Thursday, December 26, 2019

Learning Personality Theories - 1154 Words

Learning Personality Theories PSY/405 August 8, 2011 Linda O Connor Learning Personality Theories Psychologists have attempted to explain personality with the development of various personality theories. Each theory varies in regard to explanations and views. Each theory of learning personality provides explanations, ideology, and dimensions. Learning personality theories focus mainly on interactions individuals have with his or her environment. Each theory believes that individuals react with his or her environment based largely on cognitive factors. In this paper, learning personality theories are examined. Behavior Analysis Theory According to Feist and Feist (2009) behavioral theorist Skinner, Watson, and Thomdike believe†¦show more content†¦The social cognitive theory is found to be a useful theory among teachers and therapists. Cognitive Social Learning Theory The cognitive learning theory of personality is very influential in the understanding of knowledge and personality development. According to Miller (1992) Bandura has the most accreditation for the development of the ideas within the cognitive social learning theory. Many propositions of Bandura follow primary concepts of typical personality theories, but offer that individual reinforcements do not show basis for sole accreditation of learning. According to Miller (1992) three central components create the cognitive social learning theory: people learn through observing, internally-driven mentalities are necessary for the learning process, and learning a behavior does not always equal a change. Observational Learning According to Drewes (2008) the learning theory consists of three observable models. The first model is live and contains a human that demonstrates or acts out a particular behavior. The second model requires verbal instructions that involve explanations and descriptions of a certain action. The third model involves symbolism of actual or fake characters that display behavior typical of certain literature, movies, television series, and online material. Intrinsic Reinforcement According to Drewes (2008) externally and environmentally-drivenShow MoreRelatedPersonality Theories And Social Learning Theories Fit That Bill881 Words   |  4 Pagesveracity of the theories already in play. One can put that down to the nature of the human mind. A psychologist does not have the same luxury a physicist does in his or her research. In that regard, there are theories that may at times seem to be conflicting. The two families of trait theories and social learning theories fit that bill. This paper shall look at the two, analyze the main proponents and then relate them to policy and everyday life. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Technology and Education Essay - 1744 Words

Technology and Education The idea of integrating technology (like computers in every classroom and an overhead projector that is connected to the teachers computer) into education is a relatively new idea, and when I first started researching the topic I tried to look for the adverse effects of technology and education. Through my research I have decided that integrating technology into the classroom is indeed a good idea. Even though some teachers and students have a hard time working with the new technology many schools are starting to use, the adverse effects of technology do not compare with all the benefits of integrating technology into education. The Ameritech Electronic University School Classroom is a recently developed†¦show more content†¦6). One of the fears of the teachers who would be working in the Ameritech setting was that the technology would lead to less social interaction among the students, but the opposite was in fact turned out to be true (Drew par. 8). Since there was only about 1 computer for every two to three students it forced them to work together and led to enhanced cooperative learning between students. It also gave more tech-savvy students the chance to show off some of their skills and help lead the class. One teacher remarked, â€Å"My students were more cooperative working on computers than in other group activities† (Drew par. 9). Obviously, for a group project to actually work all of the students must be interested in the project and show some desire to learn, and with a fun setting like this, students seem to be more inclined to learn. A large challenge that public schools have to grapple with is to provide appropriately challenging assignments to all the students in the class even though they might not all be on the same level. With the technology available for the students to use in the Ameritech Classroom it allowed them to pursue subjects of personal interest and work on them according to how they felt most comfortable. These advantages also allowed a student to work at their own pace, not one that is dictated by the teacher. Thus, students who might have feltShow MoreRelatedEducation And Technology : Technology And Education946 Words   |  4 PagesEducation and Technology Technology has become a major component in the system of education. Technology and education in the U.S. has changed the way people learn nowadays. Being on the 21st century the lives of people have changed immensely due to a high increase in technology inventions. Communication definitely has evolved in so many ways with the newer technology being used. 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The Benefits of Technology in Education According to Thomas Jefferson, â€Å"If the children are untaught, their ignorance and vices will in future life cost us much dearer in their consequences than it would have done in their correction by a good education†(Vasudeva).Technology has impacted every aspect of most people’s life and education is no exception (Purdue). The education process has evolved as more people make use of technological devices and so education no longer starts or ends inRead MoreModern Technology And Education : Education2041 Words   |  9 PagesModern Technology and Education Education has changed significantly in the last twenty years. One of the main reasons education has undergone so many changes is because of technological development. In today’s society the impact of technology on education has played a vital role in every realm of everyday life and with that education is no exception. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Johns character Essay Example For Students

Johns character Essay There is a similar situation in 1984 with Winstons own memory of an encounter with a prostitute. The very fact that Winston is including this in his diary is a risky thing, if it were to be found it would expose the immoral memories and thoughts that he has. However most importantly this memory is an insight into Winstons character and the extreme measures he is willing to take to defy Big Brother, it shows the vulgarity that sex has and reinforces the attitude of Big Brothers society. The prostitute appears at first to Winston to be a woman of beauty, She had a young face, painted very thick. It was really the paint that appealed to me, the whiteness of it, like a mask, and the bright red lips. However when Winston sees the woman in the harsh reality of the street light he is able to see that she was quite an old woman, fifty years old at least. Winstons attraction to the womans made-up face could show his shallow nature, only look at the surface and not the substance beneath, much like his belief in the beginning that Big Brother is something to fight against his ideas a very shallow and purely based upon his hatred for Big Brother. However when he is guided to the reality of the situation he is able to see the true form and appreciate Big Brother in a valid way. Winstons attraction could also show the desperate measures he regularly takes to make a stand against Big Brother, this is just one of the many ways Winston tries to undermine Big Brother in his own radical way, another such example is his relationship with Julia. Winston like Lenina uses sex as a weapon against the society that he lives in, whereas Lenina is rebelling against her conditioning by not be so sexual promiscuous, Winston uses sex to fight his corner and rebel against Big Brothers condemnation of all things sex and lust related. The character of the Savage called John is the only character who seems to openly renounce the ideals and appearance that the Fordian society takes on, but eventually even John is broken down by the extreme nature of the society. John comes from the Savage Reservation considered the lowest of the low class rankings in the whole of civilisation, because of this naturally peoples reactions to him are one of intrigue and interest. John has not been subject to the conditioning of Fordian society and so when he is taken back to the World State he is appalled by the obvious sexual promiscuity of the society he is visiting; he believes in the long and forgotten values of love and romance and cannot believe what he sees. The effect this has upon Lenina is sizeable, she is already somewhat flawed in her beliefs and the arrival of John into her live must have an impact upon her. Her initial impression of John fits right in to what she has been conditioned to think, Lenina was smiling at him; such a nice-looking boy, she was thinking, and a really beautiful body. In fact Lenina continues with this line of belief for the majority of the novel, thoughts of staying with one single man pushed firmly to the back of her mind. Johns reaction to Lenina is also note worthy, from the beginning when he meets her, John struggles with the battle between wanting Lenina and not wanting her, He looked down at her for a moment, pale, pained, and desiring and ashamed of his desire. .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .postImageUrl , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:hover , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:visited , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:active { border:0!important; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:active , .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841 .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf559ffbadf43bc588330a00f00c6a841:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Globalization And Sustainability EssayHe was not worthy, notHastily he looked away John is continually fighting this new and unfamiliar urge to enter into something with Lenina; however the twist is that John wants a relationship, a deep and loving relationship, something that although Lenina appears to have tendencies towards this kind of relationship, he is unable to find. This is a demonstration by Huxley of how far reaching the conditioning and brainwashing in the Fordian society is, it is showing that despite the flaws all things concentrate down to the same ideals and beliefs-this demonstrated with Lenina and her infatuation with John. Johns returning obsession with Lenina and the on-going battle between his heart and mind are his eventual downfall, he continues to have sexual day dreams about Lenina even when he has escaped into the countryside, And suddenly the thought of Lenina was a real presence, naked and tangibleher arms around his neck, the lifting of her breasts, her mouth! Johns constant battle is slowly driving him wild and causes him to execute the one thing that he once thought he firmly believed not to do-sleep with Lenina after a wild and passionate soma-induced, crazed exhibition. Johns character is an important one when looking at how a totalitarian state effects someone not use to living in one, the demise of his character shows us that when introduced no one is left unaltered, but perhaps most importantly we are shown how sex and sexuality has such a strong and unyielding grip upon human kind, that it is conceivably not possible for anyone to reject the base instinct of sex.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Reflective Paper on The Assault by Harry Mulishch Essay Example

Reflective Paper on The Assault by Harry Mulishch Essay After reading The Assault by Harry Mulishch, about Anton Steenwijk’s experience in 1945 during World War II and coping with the memories of the traedy for the rest of his life, I am left somewhat shocked. Due to the assignation of Fake Ploeg, a Nazi Collaborator, and the body being planted in front of Anton’s house, the Nazis took revenge by killing Anton’s mother, father, and brother and torching their home. The emotional chaos happening at the young age of twelve during this incident follows Anton the rest of his life. Throughout reading the book you notice that in all the episodes a new piece for puzzle is revealed for further reason into the actions of the night in 1945, and more and more we see Anton slowly grow a little unstable as he tries to rationalize every last detail. To me this makes him seem irrational, the way he takes to the information, never getting to upset or letting it effect his life as it is now. Anton analyzes everything he comes in contact with, people, objects, and actions. The way every last detail is noted resembles a semi-obsession with the way everything works; going back to is habit of rationalizing. When a new person brought into light not a single characteristic is left out when describing them he creates a perfect image in your head, making everything realistic like you are experiencing right along with Anton. Most memorable to me is when he describes watching Schultz die, and how Anton can remember the blood stained man laying in the street thirty something years later. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Paper on The Assault by Harry Mulishch specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Paper on The Assault by Harry Mulishch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Paper on The Assault by Harry Mulishch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Reading him depict everything makes me think he is searching for something, but isn’t sure what he’s looking for yet and won’t stop until he does, which in the end I believe when he finds out the reasoning behind the moving of Fake’s body is he really satisfied. The motifs, I noticed, always appear during times when Anton is reminded of the killing of his parents and brother. The stones first appear as he describes the path entrance to his house, leading him to security. The ashes are the piles of unanswered questions for his past, which he must walk through and clean up before he can be satisfied. The dice are with the night of the assault, and later trigger a sudden outburst of Anton. All he hears that it was just by chance Fake ended up at his house and the Nazis reacted how they did, its all a gamble. These three along with the pure darkness found in the book create the gloomy worrying mood to the readers. From reading this book I got out that the growing up during a war time and facing tragic events never really leave you alone. You will always continue to learn more, whether you accept it or not, and you will always hear different sides of the story. Escaping your past is impossible, for it is your past that plans out your future because your future is unknown; â€Å"one could die at any moment†( ). Reading this also left me a little confused for myself, how would I react to the circumstance Anton faced? Would I be as rational as him? Overall, I really enjoyed this book and found it very inspiring and the best summer reading book I have read yet.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Management Plan For Skellig Michael Tourism Essay Essay Example

A Management Plan For Skellig Michael Tourism Essay Essay Example A Management Plan For Skellig Michael Tourism Essay Essay A Management Plan For Skellig Michael Tourism Essay Essay . This is the chief aim of the Skellig Michael direction program. The program besides includes preservation, which is a cardinal facet, presentation, visitant direction, statute law, and development consideration. These are all necessary to the saving of the site for future coevalss ; the program is all based on the foundation of long-run vision for the site. The stray location of Skellig Michael has preserved it from devastation for many 100s of old ages. Skellig Michael is an highly powerful beginning of our individuality and it is described as a and an. It is one of the two World Heritage Sites that the democracy of Ireland has to its name and with this UNESCO enforces many regulations that are in topographic point to protect the cosmopolitan value of the site. Outstanding Universal value applies to the sites Its unity is paramount to its maintaining of this position. Skellig Michael falls under the classs of ( three ) and ( IV ) for universe heritage position. These are as follow s: Yet, nevertheless much Skellig Michael invokes a sense of admiration and awe its universe heritage position may come under menace due to the safety on site. . However, due to the steep landscape on which Skellig Michael is placed this is non possible. The direction program deals with the issue of safety for tourers sing the site. Due to two tourers being fatally injured whilst sing the site big leagues concerns have been raised about incidents of this nature go oning once more in the hereafter. There are six 100 stairss on the island to acquire up to the cloistered colony, all are uneven, slippy and each more danger so the following. Stability is a major issue yet the recommendation of building a bannister could impact the genuineness of the site and force UNESCO to retreat the sites World heritage position. This would intend at a National degree we would be down to merely one heritage site and this would be really detrimental to Skellig Michael itself. However, there are different attacks to this issue, such as foregrounding the safety in the mission statement, because at this minute in clip it seems to be a secondary idea on the docket. Looking at the stereotype of tourer sing the site and reding them decently of the hazard involved in it. The booklets provided by the site practicians are mediocre in the information that they provide on reding people of the menace of hurt. Many do non halt at the interpretative Centre in Port McGee and this is where the safety messages are given. It should be made compulsory for the tourers to see and have this information. A manner of enforcing this would be for the boats to sell their tickets to acquire to the island at the Centre. Another country of concern is the gap of entree to the south extremum. The topography here is highly unsafe even for experient climbers but the direction program outlines this concern and has put a rigorous monitoring government in topographic point to forestall any a ccidents from happening, whilst still protecting the natural wildlife on this portion of the island. The transporting capacity of the site is limited besides in Numberss. In the period between 1978 and 1994 visitant Numberss increased and with this so did the harm to the memorial. OPW were so forced to do an understanding with the boats work forces to restrict their carrying capacity to a upper limit of 180 tourers, this reduces harm and accordingly conserved the site at a higher criterion. each boat is given a license yearly saying the day of the months in which they can run trips to and from Skellig Michael and any visits made outside of the period is non permitted by OPW. This is bend is another safety safeguard taken on by the direction program so that no harm can be done to the memorial and besides that lives are nt put on the line due to the deficiency of ushers present on the island outside of gap day of the months and times. The entree to the site is merely by boat, this hinders the tourers as the conditions, and sea conditions are highly unpredictable during the season. The direction program has besides limited the Numberss of boats that it gives a license to cresting it at 15 upper limit. They have besides two sail ships that can run during the season, but there Numberss are capped at a hundred and they can merely see between six a.m. and eleven a.m. They have besides capped the transporting capacity lower to take in to account an private boat that is to see the memorial, even though this is non officially permitted. As we can see, the direction program has dealt with the issue of the transporting capacity of the memorial successfully and has liaison with several local organisations that would be closely linked to the site. Unlike many other memorials such as Stonehenge that has a immense carrying capacity, Skellig Michael is a vulnerable and delicate piece of our heritage which, if it was to transport more than 180 at a clip it would be destructive to its unity. Spare town walls are another built-in piece of Irish history yet they are endangered by the fact that they have a life modern town interacting around them. Problems such as graffito and even remotion of rocks can ensue in the loss of our walled heritage. For about three hundred old ages, the walls were forgotten approximately and abandoned amongst the abysm of nature. The town grew and so did the land degree destructing grounds of the wall. The From aerial shootings you can see the country where the wall existed and enclosed the town ; The direction program is created to, once more, protect to the site so that All the mission statements of Irish sites are really generic and include all the same ideals of preservation, publicity and sustainability for the hereafter. The direction program was good thought out with many meetings between the stakeholders and the populace, it include all sides of the spectrum. This helps to transfuse a sense of ownership into the locals and in bend may take to them holding a personal nexus to the site, which could reason in them protecting the memorial. The direction programs outlined many cardinal aims for which they realised that to be successful pro-active monitoring is necessary. A properly operation direction group needs to implicate the defined recommendations in the program ; this is the key to successful direction for any site. As we can see from Skellig, that the above statement is true. The ground that Trim has disintegrated to its present province is due to the fact that no enforcements where present earlier and unlike Skellig Michael it did non hold the luxury of World Heritage Status to protect or continue it, nor do any of the other heritage sites around Ireland. This is why it is so of import that we look at our landscape critically and measure what heritage we keep . With this regular monitoring Trim town walls could be successfully conserved and insurance could be made for their presence for the hereafter. The direction program will be tied into several other types of statute law to make with the town and council s o that every twenty-four hours things like the edifice of houses or substructure such as roads will non interfere with the site. The tourer facet besides came into the program, as there are no interpretative panels around the memorial. These are indispensable to the visitant experience and how the tourer will interact with the site because at present they come off with no instruction of the value of the importance that the walls have in our history. The program clearly states how this could be done successfully and what stuffs that should be used in the building of these panels. They besides suggest that an educational DVD should be shown at the interpretative Centre at the palace. Lough Gur, in County Limerick is another heritage site that is highly of import to our society and to future coevalss. Recommended for World Heritage Status due to it being a microcosm of history, it is a classical site that combines both natural and civilization in entirety. However, no reference is given to what standards Lough Gur falls under for World Heritage Status. In 2009, many professionals undertook a direction survey, yet this was its ruin as it is entirely based on recommendations with no interaction with local organisations, therefore trusting no public sentiment to the aims. Lough Gur is in private run by Shannon Development and with this, a figure of jobs have arisen. Shannon Development is more into charming and enigma for net income addition compared OPW s mission statement of protect and preserve . Shannon Development like any concern has long term aims to acquire the most out of its sites, such as Bunratty Castle. The direction program outlines Shannon Development for the hereafter of Lough Gur However, no reference is given to the fact Lough Gur it did non convey in adequate money so the interpretative Centre is being closed down. The lone recommendation that they do do is that Bouchiers Castle to be viewed in the visible radiation of a future heritage Centre. Yet would this non destruct the unity of the memorial? Another issue that needs to be addressed is the degree of reading, or the deficiency of it, available on site. No circuit ushers are provided, the interpretative panels are overgrown and upwind worn, andthe proviso of cusps is limited and most are merely in English or Irish. The site has many different memorials such as grange rock circle, Bouchiers Castle and Carraig Aille to call but a few. These are spread widely across the landscape and some are naked to the human oculus. These are all restrictions to the visitant s interaction with the site and their sense of apprehension. Access to the some of the sites is virtually impossible, as they are located on steep topography. Some kind of information should be given about the sites that some people may non be able to see, due to physical parturiencies. The program for Lough Gur is truly merely an enlightening survey about the site and its cultural importance yet many spreads are left to be filled. Without the nexus between top down gov ernmental administrations and the local people of the country the program will neer be implemented successfully. Internationally, heritage sites have more issues associated with them. For illustration, Henderson island, one of the Pitcairn Island in the cardinal South Pacific. Known for being an

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Latin Translation Resources and Tools

Latin Translation Resources and Tools Whether you want to translate a short English phrase into Latin or a Latin phrase into English, you can not just plug the words into a dictionary and expect an accurate result. You cant with most modern languages, but the lack of a one-to-one correspondence is even greater for Latin and English. If all you want to know is the essence of a Latin phrase, some of the so-called online translation tools for Latin may help. Perhaps you want to know what Marcus in silvam vocat means. The Latin-English translation program I tried translated it as Marcus upon woods vocat. That is obviously not quite right because vocat isnt an English word. Its not a great translation. Since I used that online tool, Google has added its own translator that worked efficiently  enough but has been commented on negatively by many users. If you want a thorough, accurate translation, you will probably need to have a human do it for you, and you may have to pay a fee. Latin translation is a skill that takes a substantial investment in time and money, so translators deserve to be compensated for their efforts. In case youre interested in developing the skill of translating Latin, there are Latin online courses and other self-help methods for beginning Latin as well as Latin degree programs in colleges and universities. Between the two extremes, however, there are some useful tools on the Internet. Parser A parser, like The Latin Parser, tells you basic facts about a word. Depending on what information the parser spits out, you can determine which part of speech the word is and other essentials you need to know in order to translate. You might use a parser if you realize that the Latin phrase you want to understand has 1 (or 2) unknowable word and a bunch of other words you can almost decipher. In the Marcus in silvam vocat example, Marcus looks enough like a name, that you neednt look it up. In looks like the English word of the same spelling, but what about silvam and vocat? If you dont even know what part of speech they are, a parser will help, since its job is to tell you its person, number, tense, mood, etc., if its a verb, and its number, case, and gender  if its a noun. If you do know the words in question are accusative singular and 3d singular, present active indicative, you probably also know that the noun silvam translates as forest/wood and the verb vocat as calls. At any rate, a parser and/or dictionary can help with little bits of Latin like this. Dont use the parser to find the Latin for an English word. For that, you need a dictionary. Assuming you have a vague familiarity with Latin, a parser will tell you the possible forms of a given word. This will help if you cant remember the endings of the paradigms, but understand their purposes. Quick Latin includes a dictionary. Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid This program does not require that you download. You can use it for exploring- trying to figure things out on your own, since you can insert endings (a list of which is on the page) or stems. VISL Pre-analyzed Latin sentences This resource from Syddansk University seems an extremely useful program for people teaching themselves Latin, but it only deals with pre-selected sentences. It doesnt translate the Latin into English at all, but shows the relationships among words by means of tree diagrams. If you have ever tried diagramming a convoluted Latin sentence, you will understand what an imposing task this is. By means of a tree you can see how the words relate to each other; that is, you can tell that one word is part of a phrase begun by another word- like a preposition leading a prepositional phrase. The pre-selected sentences are from standard Latin authors, so you may find the help you need. Translation Service If you need more than a quick approximation of a phrase of Latin, and cant do it yourself, youll need help. There are professional, fee-charging services, like Applied Language Solutions Latin Translation Service - English to Latin Translation. Ive never used them, so I cant tell you how good they are. There are now Latin Translators, with prices spelled out up front. Both claim the lowest prices, so check. A quick look suggests theyre both right- depending on the number of words and direction of Latin language translation: The Latin TranslatorClassical Turns

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consumer Behavior Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Consumer Behavior Master - Essay Example The following are the 6 stages: Stage 1: Problem Recognition or in other words awareness of need-In this stage the consumer realizes the need for a certain product. For example, when a person is hungry, he thinks of eating some thing. Hunger--Food. Hunger stimulates your need to eat. But this kind of thought can easily be stimulated through advertisements. Children are often attracted by the advertisements of ice creams, chocolates and lot of other items. In other words when a person recognizes that there is some deficit in their life, they try to fulfill those needs. When one see a commercial for a new pair of shoes, it stimulates the recognition the need for a new pair of shoes. Stage 2: Information search-Once a person realizes the need for an item, then the second immediate step would be to find out more information about the item. This can be done through internal search, memory, print and visual media, friends and relatives, word of mouth, marketer dominated sources, comparison shopping, public sources etc. A successful information search leaves a buyer with possible alternatives or in other words different brands. For example, when a person is hungry, and wants to go to a restaurant, he has probably a set of restaurants to choose from depending on what kind of food item he likes to have. It can be Chinese food, Indian food, burger king, or klondike kates etc. Stage 3: Evaluation of Alternatives-Once a set of alternatives are present it is time for evaluation of each of them. Hence there is a need to establish criteria for evaluation, features the buyer wants or does not want, in the case of restaurant tastes that the customer likes. The customer based on the criteria for evaluation rank or weight alternatives. If the customer is not satisfied then they resume search. For example, if the customer wants to eat something spicy, then the Indian food gets highest rank. If not satisfied with the choices then return to the search phase to find another restaurant. Look in the yellow pages or internet etc. Information from different sources may be treated differently. Marketers try to influence by "framing" alternatives. Stage 4: Purchase decision-The fourth step is the stage when the final decision is made. Choose buying alternative, includes product, package, store, method of purchase etc. Stage 5: Purchase--May differ from decision, time lapse between stage no 4 and 5, product availability. However, this is one of the most important stages in the process. Stage 6: Post-Purchase Evaluation-This is the stage of outcome that can be either satisfaction or dissatisfaction. For example, if the Indian food was very delicious, the customer will be satisfied but if it was not up to the expectation of the customer, then the customer might be dissatisfied and will be reluctant to go to the same restaurant the next time (, N.D.). 2. Two major learning theories have dominated research and teaching in consumer behavio

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Entrepreneurship----Economists views on the innovation and Essay

Entrepreneurship----Economists views on the innovation and entrepreneurship - Essay Example market, of determining opportunities, optimizing potential ventures or partnership, strategizing decision-making capabilities, improving communication skills, developing good interpersonal relation with customers, and in attaining business intelligence (Carter & Jones-Evans, 2006, pp, 1-10; 129-151). Expert entrepreneurs are observed to have adopted some business patterns and have gain expertise in organizational planning, executing, selecting human resources, performance management, evaluation, and in doing excellent market analysis (Carter & Jones-Evans, 2006, pp. 152-175). They constantly update themselves on trends and readily adapt to changes to leverage itself from every opportunities. Entrepreneurs also study business laws and policies made by legislatures to ascertain that they are able to adhere to or recommend measures to enhance business chances. They too are incisive about the kind of analysis and scheme they’d packaged depending on situational context from a rapid ly evolving market (Carter & Jones-Evans, 2006, pp. 152-175). They are expert on researching and studying economic forecasts as well. It’s this need to sustain the learning process that entrepreneurs often take metacognitive decision-making about his/her interrelationship with clients and customer while recognizing too the limiting factors by reflecting and understanding the varied controls in customer and client relations (Mitchell, Smith, Gustafsson, & Mitchell, 2006, pp. 5-12). Innovations set in. As observed globally, entrepreneurs increased their efficacy by adapting the use of technology as tool to hasten distinction in production and in marketing goods (Deakin & Freel, 2003, pp. 1-35). Unlike before when market is limited in established public facilities for vendors, entrepreneurs now reach out clients and customers in the households using internet or web-based connections. Modes of payments are also transacted via automated machines or electronic transfers (Deakin & Freel,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A History of the Arab Peoples Albert Hourani Essay Example for Free

A History of the Arab Peoples Albert Hourani Essay Albert Hourani’s book â€Å"A History of the Arab people highlights the Arab history in general since the early beginning of Islam –and even before that-, till the modern ages in the nineteenth century. The book is great for westerners interested in the Arabs and for Arabs, who are not familiar with their history. The book is a good add to any interested reader. Back ground information Lebanese-American historian Albert Tourane represent this book as an addition to his previous works discussing Arab’s history and Arabian affairs such as, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1789-1939,which was first published in 1962. It would be a mistake to deal with this book as a pure history book. It’s not depending only on dates and chronological extent of the Arabic people and civilization and this is a good point to build our review on it. Summary Hourani’s book begins with the story of Ibn-Khaldon, the great Arab socialist. The following chapter talks about the appearance of Islam and Muhammad and then his successors and the formation of the Islamic empire 3 . Next, the book talks about the Islamic society and its Koranic accounts 4 with the great revolution in translating science and Greek philosophy with the appearance of Sufism 5 . Islamic expansion and the description of minorities like Jews and Christians 6 followed. Life in countryside 7 and cities 8 and the rulers of the societies 9 were mentioned in later pages. † way of Islam† 1o and â€Å"The culture of the Ulema† 11 are two chapters talking about the faith in Islam with sense of community and low determination. The book also shows how culture was well represented 12 and how the following Ottoman empire 13 sustained the Arab world, with a brief description of Ottoman societies 14 . Chapter fifteen starts talking about the eighteenth century 15 and the European powers in the Arabic areas 16 like French intervention in Algeria. Opening of Suez Canal and Zionism arose with Jews settled in Palestine 16 and how the culture of Imperialism 17 started to have a loud voice in the area. Word War One 18 and its influence discussed in Chapter nineteen 19 with the modern life in Arabic societies 20 . Book show how the emergence of Israel started and the independent movements were held from French British and The tragedy of the triple attack on Egypt on 195621. Chapter twenty two 22 show a rapid change in Arabic societies and the Arabic culture extended 23 with the climax of Arabism started from 1950s 23 . Final chapters of the book discussed the difference between Arabs, the sudden death of Nasser and the 1973 war between Egypt and Israel 24. final chapter states some major problems in the area, including Kurds struggle for independence, Sudan problem and women issues. Number of twenty pages of maps followed, which make a great way to represent the places that was mentioned in the book. Evaluation of the book This book is well represented with all the illustration and maps introduced. The Index is well-written and helpful in finding any information directly. As mentioned before, the book couldn’t be categorized as a history book; its better described as Social-history book and starting with the life of Ibn-Khaldun is such evidence. It represents a vast look on the Arabic societies through history, describing the life style, science, different religion and civilization. Many chapters described the same period of time but dealing with different subjects, like chapters twenty 25 two and twenty three 26 in the (1950s and 1960s). From the other point of view, this book skims some important details such as, the detailed pre-Islamic era, the great empires of Umayyad and Abbasid which was represented with partly amount of pages that doesn’t exceed seven pages in some cases. Also the detailed life of Prophet Muhammad, which has a great impact on the Arabic societies. Also Crusaders wars weren’t well mentioned, although it has a very huge impact on Arabs in its time. Conclusion Dealing with the history of Arabs is such a great effort and a hard game to play. This book tried to do the most of the job with a different way, which is representing history from the social point of view. I would recommend this book if one already has a minimum knowledge and understanding of Arab history . Otherwise I recommend alternatives such as, History of the Arabs from the earliest times to the present, of Philip Hitti. It would be useful for a good specialized historical reading.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Soccer Scholarship Essay 1 :: Scholarship Essays

Soccer Scholarship Essay 1 Â   Let me introduce myself. My name is Heather Smith; I'm 18 years old and am a senior at Suttons Bay High School. I was born and raised here and have attended Suttons Bay Schools for 13 years. My hobbies include playing socer, spending time with ym friends, music, art, snowboarding, biking, working out and traveling. Six years ago I startedmy love of travel when I had the opportunity to travel on a 16-day European History trip to the countries of England, France, Italy, Switzerland and germany with family and friends. Last summer I traveled to Spain with my school's Spanish club, and in March I went to Mexico. I speak Spanish and plan on continuing my studies at Michigan State University this fall. I find that traveling is so interesting as it gives me the chance to see how others live and experience their culture. Â   Soccer has always been my passion. I started to play when I was in second grade. I have played continuously and am now a captain of the Suttons Bay Lady Norsemen. We are a high school cooperative team consisting of players from Suttons Bay, Leland and Northport. This is our fourth year of existence and we worked hard to establish our team and its killer reputation. The part that I am most proud of is that I was among a group of girls that helped convince the Suttons Bay School Board that our high school should establish a girls' high school team. We asked to be put on the board's agenda and prepared a persuasive presentation outlining the reasons that girls at Suttons Bay High School deserved their own team. We knew that money was not available to fund the team, so we promised to find it ourselves. The Board approved our team in the spring of 1997. Our team members and parents spent long hours in fundraising to pay for our uniforms, equipment, transportation, referees and coaches. Â   This experience has taught me many valuable lessons. I learned that it is important to fight and work for what you believe in. I have learned more skills than soccer, such as teamwork and communication skills. I have learned that it's good to broaden one's horizon by meeting and becoming friends with people from other schools and communities. I'm looking forward to the soccer district and regional, and we hope we qualify for the state championship.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Writing Paragraphs

Should boys and girls be in separate classes? 2. Should the government place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods? 3. Should students' textbooks be replaced by notebook computers? 4. Pretend you woke up one day and there were no rules. People could suddenly do whatever they wanted! Would this be a positive or negative outcome? Answers (jot notes): 1. No because†¦ A. When they're out of college, and they have a job, it's not going to be separated by gender.They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. B. It will Increase more Judgment between genders. . For Example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. C. I believe If a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond when they do come into contact with the opposite gender. . The opposite gen ders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other In the future. 2. No because†¦ A. People would still buy, I. Example Even though government has raised prices on tobacco and cigarettes people are still buying them b. Government shouldn't tell people what to eat. Let the people do what they want. C. Everyone shouldn't have to suffer due to some people being overweight. 3. No because†¦ A.If all the student's assignments, and textbooks, and other data is on the computer and the computer is lost, stolen, or all of its data somehow gets erased then the student's marks will suffer drastically. B. People may use computers inappropriately, and since the devices are very distracting students may not listen to the teacher. . A lot of people get headaches when stare at a computer screen for a long time and using computers the whole day is a long time. D. This could lead to a generation of people who rely on computers, and they may not be able to function without computers. . Negative because†¦ A. People will no longer be able to differentiate between bad and good b. People may decide to start doing bad things. 1 OFF to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. C. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know hat if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. Answers (paragraph form): 1. I don't think that boys and girls should be placed in separate classes. This may cause increased Judgment about the other gender.For example when you were a child you thought the opposite gender has some type of diseases except you will think that through most of your school years and this may cause a lot of misunderstanding between men and women. I believe if a child has been going to school with the opposite gender this child will grow up not know how to respond hen they do come into contact with the opposite gender. The opposite genders might start to think that they are better or smarter than the other gender which could cause conflicts between each other in the future.Also, when they are out of college, and they have a Job, it's not going to be separated by gender. They need to learn how to communicate with the opposite gender. These are the reasons why I think that boys and girls shouldn't be separated into different classes. 2. The government should not place a tax on Junk food and fatty foods. First of all, the government should not be telling people what to eat. Just let the people eat and do what they desire. I think that people would still buy the Junk and fatty food if their price was increased.For example when the prices of tobacco and cigarettes are raised, people don't stop smoking, they still continue to smoke and the same thing would probably happen with Junk food. And last of all, why should everyone be punished and have to pay more even if they are not overweight or obese. For example if you were innocent, but you the police thought you were the person who committed the crime and they punished you, would that be fair? No that wouldn't be, o are being punished for something you didn't do.It's the same thing with Junk food, why would the people who are not obese and overweight have to pay more for junk and fatty foods. This is why I believe the government should not place a tax on junk food and fatty foods. 3. I believe that student textbooks should not be replaced by note book computers. First of all, students may use these devices inappropriately during school time, and since the devices are distracting they may not pay attention to the teacher. For example many students who claim to be using their phones, or ablest for an assignment are actually playing games or testing, not doing the work they are given.Also, these devices aren't very trustworthy, and they could easily malfunction or be stolen, and it would cost a lot f or them to be replaced. For example if all of a student's work was on the computer, and the computer broke, got stolen, or malfunctioned then the student's marks may decrease drastically, and it wouldn't even be there fault. They would be getting punished for something that was not in their control. A lot of people tend to get headaches when staring at computer screens ND of the day, and this would be shown in their academic progress.This could also produce a generation of drone-like people who would not be able to function without computers, and people will no longer know how to do anything manually, like writing a sentence on a piece of paper with a pen. I think textbooks should not be replaced with notebook computers. 4. I think having no rules would have a negative outcome. First of all, people would not be able to differentiate between bad and good. These could lead to conflicts in the future. People may start to do bad things.For example if dents came to school one day and the y had no rules, like listening to the teachers, they probably wouldn't finish their work and that may cause them to suffer in the future. Crime rates may also possibly increase as people would know that if they were to do something bad there would be no punishment as there are no rules. For example if you were really greedy, and you wanted to be rich, then you would probably rob a bank, if there were no rules, because you would know there would be no punishment or consequences. This is why having no rules would have a negative outcome.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History of Philippine Cinema Essay

A. The Golden Age of Philippine Films The 1950s were considered a time of â€Å"rebuilding and growth†. But remnants from the preceding decade of the 40s remained in the form of war-induced reality. This is seen is Lamberto Avellana’s Anak Dalita (The Ruins, 1956), the stark tragedy of post-WWII survival set in Intramuros. The decade saw frenetic activity in the film industry which yielded what might be regarded as the first harvest of distinguished films by Filipinos. Two studios before the war, namely Sampaguita Pictures and LVN, reestablished themselves. Bouncing back quickly, they churned out movie after movie to make up for the drought of films caused by the war. Another studio, Premiere Productions, was earning a reputation for â€Å"the vigor and the freshness† of some of its films. This was the period of the â€Å"Big Four† when the industry operated under the studio system. Each studio (Sampaguita, LVN, Premiere and Lebran) had its own set of stars, technicians and directors, all lined up for a sequence of movie after movie every year therefore maintaining a monopoly of the industry. The system assured moviegoers a variety of fare for a whole year and allowed stars and directors to improve their skills. Read more: Essay About Philippine Cinema Critics now clarify that the 50s may be considered one â€Å"Golden Age† for the Filipino film not because film content had improved but because cinematic techniques achieved an artistic breakthrough in that decade. This new consciousness was further developed by local and international awards that were established in that decade. Awards were first instituted that decade. First, the Manila Times Publishing Co. set up the Maria Clara Awards. In 1952, the FAMAS (Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences) Awards were handed out. More so, Filipino films started garnering awards in international film festivals. One such honor was bestowed on Manuel Conde’s immortal movie Genghis Khan (1952) when it was accepted for screening at the Venice Film Festival. Other honors include awards for movies like Gerardo de Leon’s Ifugao (1954) and Lamberto Avellana’s Anak Dalita. This established the Philippines as a major filmmaking center in Asia. These awards also had the effect of finally garnering for Filipino films their share of attention from fellow Filipinos. B. The Decline of Philippine Film If the 1950s were an ubiquitous period for film, the decade that followed was a time of decline. There was â€Å"rampant commercialism and artistic decline† as portrayed on the following: In the 1960s, the foreign films that were raking in a lot of income were action pictures sensationalizing violence and soft core sex films hitherto banned from Philippine theater screens, Italian â€Å"spaghetti† Westerns, American James Bond-type thrillers, Chinese/Japanese martial arts films and European sex melodramas. To†¦get an audience to watch their films, (the independent) producers had to take their cue from these imports. The result is a plethora of films†¦giving rise to such curiosities as Filipino samurai and kung fu masters, Filipino James Bonds and†¦the bomba queen. The studio systems came under siege from the growing labor movement which resulted in labor-management conflicts. The first studio to close was Lebran followed by Premiere Productions. Next came Sampaguita and LVN. The â€Å"Big Four† studios were replaced by new and independent producers who soon made up the rest of the film industry. The decade also saw the emergence of the youth revolt best represented by the Beatles and the rock and roll revolution. They embodied the wanting to rebel against adult institutions and establishments. Certain new film genres were conceived just to cater to this â€Å"revolt†. Fan movies such as those of the â€Å"Tita and Pancho† and â€Å"Nida and Nestor† romantic pairings of the 50s were the forerunners of a new kind of revolution – the â€Å"teen love team† revolution. â€Å"Nora Aunor and Vilma Santos, along with Tirso Cruz III and Eddie Mortiz as their respective screen sweethearts, were callow performers during the heyday of fan movies. Young audiences made up of vociferous partisans for ‘Guy and Pip’ or ‘Vi and Bot’ were in search of role models who could take the place of elders the youth revolt had taught them to distrust† Another kind of youth revolt came in the form of the child star. Roberta (1951) of Sampaguita Pictures was the phenomenal example of the drawing power of movies featuring [these] child stars. In the 60s this seemed to imply rejection of â€Å"adult corruption† as exposed by childhood innocence. The film genres of the time were direct reflections of the â€Å"disaffection with the status quo† at the time. Action movies with Pinoy cowboys and secret agents as the movers of the plots depicted a â€Å"society ravaged by criminality and corruption† . Movies being make-believe worlds at times connect that make-believe with the social realities. These movies suggest a search for heroes capable of delivering us from hated bureaucrats, warlords and villains of our society. The action films of the 1960s brought into the industry â€Å" a new savage rhythm that made earlier action films seem polite and stage managed.† The pacing of the new action films were fast as the narrative had been pared down to the very minimum of dialogues. And in keeping up with the Hollywood tradition, the action sequences were even more realistic. Another film genre that is perhaps also a embodiment of the revolt of the time is the bomba genre. Probably the most notorious of all, this genre appeared at the close of the decade. Interestingly, it came at a time when social movement became acknowledged beyond the walls of campuses and of Manila. In rallies, demonstrations and other forms of mass action, the national democratic movement presented its analysis of the problems of Philippine society and posited that only a social revolution could bring genuine change. The bomba film was a direct challenge to the conventions and the norms of conduct of status quo, a rejection of authority of institutions in regulating the â€Å"life urge† seen as natural and its free expression â€Å"honest† and â€Å"therapeutic† Looking beyond the obvious reasons as to the emergence of the bomba film, both as being an exploitative product of a profit-driven industry and as being a â€Å"stimulant†, it can be analyzed as actually being a â€Å"subversive genre†, playing up to the establishment while rebelling and undermining support for the institutions. Even in the period of decline, genius has a way of showing itself. Several Philippine films that stood out in this particular era were Gerardo de Leon’s Noli Me Tangere (Touch me Not, 1961) and El Filibusterismo (Subversion, 1962). Two other films by Gerardo de Leon made during this period is worth mentioning – Huwag mo Akong Limutin (Never Forget Me , 1960) and Kadenang Putik (Chain of Mud, 1960), both tales of marital infidelity but told with insight and cinematic import. C. Films during Martial Law In the 60s, the youth clamored for change in the status quo. Being in power, Ferdinand Marcos answered the youth by placing the nation under martial rule. In 1972, he sought to contain growing unrest which the youth revolt of the 1960s fueled. Claiming that all he wanted was to â€Å"save the Republic†, Marcos retooled the liberal-democratic political system into an authoritarian government which concentrated power in a dictators hand. To win the population over, mass media was enlisted in the service of the New Society. Film was a key component of a society wracked with contradictions within the ruling class and between the sociopolitical elite and the masses. In terms of comparisons, the Old Society (or the years before Martial Law) became the leading symbol for all things bad and repugnant. The New Society was supposed to represent everything good – a new sense of discipline, uprightness and love of country Accordingly, the ideology of the New Society was incorporated into local films. †¦Marcos and his technocrats sought to regulate filmmaking. The first step was to control the content of movies by insisting on some form of censorship. One of the first rules promulgated by the Board of Censors for Motion Pictures (BCMP) stipulated submission of a finished script prior to the start of filming. When the annual film festival was revived, the censors blatantly insisted that the â€Å"ideology† of the New Society be incorporated into the content of the entries. The government tried to control the film industry while keeping it in â€Å"good humor† – necessary so that the government could continue using film as propagandistic vehicles. So despite the censors, the exploitation of sex and violence onscreen continued to assert itself. Under martial law, action films depicting shoot outs and sadistic fistfights ( which were as violent as ever) usually append to the ending an epilogue claiming that the social realities depicted had been wiped out with the establishment of the New Society. The notorious genre of sex or bomba films that appeared in the preceding decade were now tagged as â€Å"bold† films, simply meaning that a lot more care was given to the costumes. Martial Law declared in 1972 clamped down on bomba films as well as political movies critical of the Marcos administration. But the audience’s taste for sex and nudity had already been whetted. Producers cashed in on the new type of bomba, which showed female stars swimming in their underwear, taking a bath in their camison (chemise), or being chased and raped in a river, sea, or under a waterfall. Such movies were called the wet look†¦

Friday, November 8, 2019

Complete List of the 18 Art Schools in California

Complete List of the 18 Art Schools in California SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Ah, California: the land of opportunity. The sun is always shining (well, not in San Francisco, but almost everywhere else!), and the art scene is awesome. If you’re thinking about art school, some of the best colleges for you are located in the Golden State. In this article, I'll give you a list of all the art schools in California so you can take stock of your options. What Is an Art School and What's Included on This List? Most colleges have art departments, so you’ll likely have the option of majoring in art no matter where you go. For this list, however, I’ve only included colleges that are exclusively for art students. You should consider these types of schools if you’re absolutely sure you want to major in an artistic discipline and would like to be in an environment that'll provide you with a high level of specialized training. Art schools give students the opportunity to interact with many other individuals who share their artistic passions. By contrast, at less specialized schools, art departments might suffer from neglect since they represent a less popular major choice. Note that I did include some schools on this list that are technically subsets of bigger universities because they're autonomous enough to be considered art schools in their own right (though you would have to apply to the larger college to get in). All the schools on this list are all completely devoted to the education of art students and are chock-full of creative resources you might not find at other colleges. There's nothing more exciting than new art supplies. Imagine going to a college that's full of them! Complete List of Art Schools in California Below, I've listed all the art schools in California, accompanied by statistics (mainly from US News and Niche) and descriptions of what they offer to students. I'll go through the five best art schools first, followed by an alphabetical list of all other art schools in the state. I included pictures of some of the campuses, but you should definitely check out the school websites for more images and information! Top 5 Art Schools in California These five California art schools are world-class institutions, with excellent programs in a range of artistic disciplines. ArtCenter College of Design - Pasadena Undergraduate Enrollment: 2,005Admissions Rate: Not ReportedPrograms: Advertising, Entertainment Design, Environmental Design, Film, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interaction Design, Photography and Imaging, Product Design, Transportation Design At ArtCenter, students receive a comprehensive education in their chosen disciplines beginning on day one. There is no first-year general education program, so this school is ideal for students who know exactly what they want to study. The interdisciplinary program allows students to work across different majors, thereby preventing the school's focus on specialization from limiting students' creativity. ArtCenter also partners with companies and organizations via its Designmatters program, which sponsors student projects that impact social change. ArtCenter College of Design California College of the Arts - San Francisco Undergraduate Enrollment: 1,486Admissions Rate: 64%Programs: Animation, Architecture, Fashion Design, Film, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Painting/Drawing, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, and more One-on-one attention is the norm for students at the California College of the Arts (the average student-teacher ratio is 8:1). CCA includes a First Year Program that introduces students to studio practice and includes a portfolio review at the end of the year. In addition, there's a First Year Student Exhibition every year. Finally, CCA offers numerous resources for professional development and networking in the arts that will help students embark on fulfilling careers. California Institute of the Arts - Valencia Undergraduate Enrollment: 984Admissions Rate: 24%Programs: Art, Graphic Design, Photography and Media, Art and Technology, Animation, Film and Video, and more Every student at CalArts is assigned a mentor who guides them through the program and assists them in independent study. CalArts has eight galleries dedicated to exhibiting student work and helping students get accustomed to hanging and presenting art in various forms. The school also houses several facilities for student use, including various media labs and a "Super Shop" for processes such as woodworking, metalworking, and moldmaking. California Institute of the Arts Otis College of Art and Design - Los Angeles Total Enrollment: About 1,100Admissions Rate: 93%Programs: Animation; Architecture, Landscape, Interiors; Communication Arts; Costume Design; Digital Media; Fashion Design; Fine Arts; Game Entertainment Design; Graphic Design; and more Otis has been ranked among the best design schools in the US, with particular distinction in its fashion and animation programs. A strong advising and career counseling system guides Otis students to success in their respective creative fields. Students intern at art galleries, museums, and creative companies such as LEGO and Nike. Alumni and faculty at Otis include Fulbright, MacArthur, and Guggenheim grant recipients; Oscar winners; legendary costume designers; leaders of contemporary art movements; entrepreneurs; and top designers. If you're curious about how to get started learning about design in addition to art, you can read about the principles of design here! Otis College of Art and Design UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture - Los Angeles Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,002 (UCLA overall)Admissions Rate: 16% (UCLA overall)Programs: Art, Architecture and Urban Design, Design Media Arts, World Arts and Culture/Dance, Visual and Performing Arts UCLA's School of the Arts and Architecture is composed of five degree-granting departments (listed above) and eight research centers: Art Global Health Center, Art|Sci Center, cityLAB, Experiential Technologies Center, Game Lab, Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, Now Institute, and xLAB. This school incorporates a wide variety of outreach programs designed by students, faculty, staff and alumni; these center around concerts, exhibitions, symposia, and dance productions, which are presented in cooperation with groups throughout Los Angeles. UCLA School of the Arts and Architecture Other Art Schools in California If the schools above don't fit your needs, check out the rest of this list of art schools in California. There's bound to be one with the perfect program for you! Academy of Art University - San Francisco Undergraduate Enrollment: 7,652Admissions Rate: 100% (open admissions)Programs: Animation and Visual Effects, Architecture, Fashion, Fine Art, Graphic Design, Photography, Web Design and New Media, and many more Academy of Art University hosts more than 70 student and alumni art shows in San Francisco annually, so there are plenty of opportunities to exhibit your work. It's also the first art university to be invited to showcase student work at New York Fashion Week biannually. Students have access to many different facilities for art-making, including lighting equipment, studio space, and green-screen rooms. Moreover, the school's location in San Francisco means there are several opportunities to connect with creative internships and working artists. Academy of Art University Art Institute of California - Hollywood and San Diego (Campuses of Argosy University) Total Enrollment: Not ReportedAdmissions Rate: Not ReportedPrograms: Visual Design, Interior Design, Interior Product Design, Marketing, Animation Effects, Film Production, Gaming Technology, Fashion, Culinary The Art Institutes are a network of 31 art schools across the country, so these two schools are just one part of a larger system. (Note that there are a few more schools in California, but these are in the process of shutting down; the Hollywood and San Diego locations are the only ones left in the state.) Currently, all Art Institutes of California are campuses of Argosy University. The focus at these institutes is a practical, hands-on education in the arts that will result in employment after graduation. A strong Career Services department and modern curriculum are hallmarks of the Art Institutes. Be aware, however, that the school's parent company settled a lawsuit in 2015 alleging they used questionable tactics to enroll students who had little chance of success. Design Institute of San Diego - San Diego Undergraduate Enrollment: 89Admissions Rate: 100% (open admissions)Programs: Interior Design The Design Institute is a highly specialized college for students interested in studying interior design. Both the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) and International Interior Design Association (IIDA) sponsor student activities here. Students gain extensive insight into professional standards and practices through contact with working interior designers. Interior Designers Institute - Newport Beach Undergraduate Enrollment: 70Admissions Rate: 100% (open admissions)Programs: Interior Design This is another school that exclusively offers an interior design program. Students from this school have been recognized in international design competitions. Additionally, undergraduate students participate in the Institute's internship program, which allows them to gain experience working for design firms while still in college. Laguna College of Art and Design - Laguna Beach Undergraduate Enrollment: 636Admissions Rate: 33%Programs: Animation, Drawing and Painting, Extended Reality Design (XRD), Game Art, Graphic Design and Digital Media, Illustration, Illustration in Entertainment Design The Laguna College of Art and Design offers an extensive foundation program for first-year students that provides thorough preparation for success in their chosen fields. LCAD has grown over time to include the seven undergraduate majors listed above as well as a graduate department. The campus is only about an hour from Los Angeles, so students have easy access to museums, galleries, the entertainment industry, graphic design studios, and much more. NewSchool of Architecture and Design - San Diego Undergraduate Enrollment: 432Admissions Rate: 99%Programs: Architecture, Product Design, Interior Architecture Design, Graphic Design Interactive Media Located in the design district of downtown San Diego, the NewSchool of Architecture and Design focuses on networking and learning to navigate an increasingly globalized design world. Students have access to unique study abroad programs, a diverse international student body, cross-location collaborations, flexible online learning, and world-renowned guest lecturers. In addition, the NewSchool has an 87% job placement rate for graduating students. SAE Expression College - Emeryville Undergraduate Enrollment: Not ReportedAdmissions Rate: Not ReportedPrograms: Audio, Digital Film, Game Development, Entertainment Business, Animation Visual Effects The goal of Expression College, a for-profit school, is to prepare students for careers in the industries of sound and visual arts with a hands-on curriculum. Students here can earn a bachelor’s degree in just under three years with Expression's accelerated schedule. San Diego State University College of Professional Studies Fine Arts - San Diego Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,165 (SDSU overall)Admissions Rate: 35% (SDSU overall)Programs: Applied Design; Graphic Design; Interior Architecture; Multimedia and Photography; Painting and Printmaking; Sculpture; Music; Theatre; Television, Film, and New Media SDSU's College of Professional Studies Fine Arts (PSFA) is recognized for connecting the college experience with the global community and for preparing its students for professional careers. On average, PSFA places 600 students in professional internships each year. San Francisco Art Institute - San Francisco Undergraduate Enrollment: 299Admissions Rate: 75%Programs: Art and Technology, Film, History and Theory of Contemporary Art, New Genres, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture Founded in 1871, the San Francisco Art Institute (SFAI) is one of the nation’s oldest schools of higher education in contemporary art. Its core philosophy is fostering creativity and critical thinking in an open, experimental, and interdisciplinary environment. Students here are encouraged to forge their own pathways of study and supplement the Core Curriculum with electives across different mediums and fields. San Francisco Art Institute Sotheby's Institute of Art - Los Angeles (Graduate Programs ONLY) Graduate Enrollment: Not ReportedAdmissions Rate: About 50% (overall)Programs: Art Business, Art Business + Fine Art, Art Business + Information Systems Technology, Arts Management Sotheby's Institute of Art has campuses in London, New York, and Los Angeles. This art institute is for master's students only and focuses more on the professional side of art. Students on the Los Angeles campus learn how to create, manage, and lead arts initiatives and organizations. The school's urban location also gives students a broad range of opportunities to get involved with the dynamic downtown art scene. UC Davis Art Studio - Davis Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,145 (UC Davis overall)Admissions Rate: 44% (UC Davis overall)Programs: Studio Art (Ceramics; Photography, Video, and Media; Drawing, Painting, Printmaking; Sculpture) Part of the Department of Art and Art History, the UC Davis Art Studio focuses exclusively on fine arts. Students have access to Basement Gallery, an undergraduate-run exhibition space that displays student work, in addition to the Advanced Undergraduate Studio Space where students can reserve a space to work independently. Finally, the Visiting Artist Lecture Series gives students insight into what kinds of projects professional artists are currently working on. UC Irvine Claire Trevor School of the Arts - Irvine Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,307 (UC Irvine overall)Admissions Rate: 37% (UC Irvine overall)Programs: Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Music Theatre, Music Performance Facilities at UC Irvine's Claire Trevor School of the Arts include six theaters, a concert hall; three art galleries; the Beall Center for Art + Technology; electronic music studios; cutting-edge costume, lighting, and scenic design studios; a stage production shop; digital arts labs; and a video production studio. Undergraduate and graduate degree courses include extensive studio, workshop and performance experiences; theoretical and historical studies; and arts and technology practices. Woodbury University School of Media, Culture Design - Burbank and San Diego Undergraduate Enrollment: 1,024 (Woodbury overall)Admissions Rate: 62% (Woodbury overall)Programs: Animation, Fashion Design, Filmmaking, Game Art Design, Graphic Design The School of Media, Culture, and Design at Woodbury focuses on a cross-disciplinary approach to art. Classes are paired in order to bring multiple perspectives to bear on the same design problem. Advanced seminars, which incorporate multiple majors, allow students to work together on outside projects or competitions. How to Find the Right Art School for You If you're looking exclusively at art schools, you've already narrowed down your choices for college quite a bit. However, it's still important to weigh your options carefully. First, think about location. While all these schools are located in California, some of them are in urban areas and others are in suburban or rural areas. Find out more about what these different types of environments offer to students. You should also look closely at the program offerings at these art schools. Is there a specific artistic field that interests you, or are you still unsure about the exact medium you want to study? If you're still undecided, consider attending a school that has a general education program so you can explore different modes of artistic expression before deciding on a major. If you're sure about what you want to study, make sure that the schools you apply to have the facilities and programs you'll need to fulfill your creative vision. Especially at art schools, a good career services department and plenty of opportunities for internships are a must. Verify that the schools that interest you have a high job placement rate and offer extensive career counseling to students. You should also look for colleges that have strong advisory systems and give students lots of individualized attention. These qualities will make for a smooth transition from college to the professional art world. Now get out there and start making some awesome art! What's Next? Want to brush up on your contour line art? Review the 4 key steps to drawing contour lines here. If you're planning to attend an art school, you'll need to make a portfolio of your work. Find out how to showcase your art in the best way possible for college applications. Are you interested in performing arts rather than visual arts? Check out this complete list of all the performing arts colleges in California. Worried about how your test scores will affect your chances of college admission? Learn more about when SAT and ACT scores don't matter in the application process. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Hitlers Statement Before His Suicide

Hitler's Statement Before His Suicide On April 29, 1945, in his underground bunker, Adolf Hitler readied himself for death. Instead of surrendering to the Allies, Hitler had decided to end his own life. Early in the morning, after he had already written his Last Will, Hitler wrote his Political Statement. The Political Statement is made up of two sections. In the first section, Hitler lays all blame on International Jewry and urges all Germans to continue fighting. In the second section, Hitler expels Hermann Gà ¶ring and Heinrich Himmler and appoints their successors. The following afternoon, Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. Part 1 of Hitlers Political Statement More than thirty years have now passed since I in 1914 made my modest contribution as a volunteer in the first world war that was forced upon the Reich. In these three decades I have been actuated solely by love and loyalty to my people in all my thoughts, acts, and life. They gave me the strength to make the most difficult decisions which have ever confronted mortal man. I have spent my time, my working strength, and my health in these three decades. It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, International Jewry and its helpers, will grow. Three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I again proposed to the British ambassador in Berlin a solution to the German-Polish problem - similar to that in the case of the Saar district, under international control. This offer also cannot be denied. It was only rejected because the leading circles in English politics wanted the war, partly on account of the business hoped for and partly under influence of propaganda organized by International Jewry. I have also made it quite plain that, if the nations of Europe are again to be regarded as mere shares to be bought and sold by these international conspirators in money and finance, then that race, Jewry, which is the real criminal of this murderous struggle, will be saddled with the responsibility. I further left no one in doubt that this time not only would millions of children of Europes Aryan people die of hunger, not only would millions of grown men suffer death, and not only hundreds of thousands of women and children be burnt and bombed to death in the towns, without the real criminal having to atone for this guilt, even if by more humane means. After six years of war, which in spite of all setbacks, will go down one day in history as the most glorious and valiant demonstration of a nations life purpose, I cannot forsake the city which is the capital of this Reich. As the forces are too small to make any further stand against the enemy attack at this place and our resistance is gradually being weakened by men who are as deluded as they are lacking in initiative, I should like, by remaining in this town, to share my fate with those, the millions of others, who have also taken upon themselves to do so. Moreover I do not wish to fall into the hands of an enemy who requires a new spectacle organized by the Jews for the amusement of their hysterical masses. I have decided therefore to remain in Berlin and there of my own free will to choose death at the moment when I believe the position of the Fà ¼hrer and Chancellor itself can no longer be held. I die with a happy heart, aware of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of our soldiers at the front, our women at home, the achievements of our farmers and workers and the work, unique in history, of our youth who bear my name. That from the bottom of my heart I express my thanks to you all, is just as self-evident as my wish that you should, because of that, on no account give up the struggle, but rather continue it against the enemies of the Fatherland, no matter where, true to the creed of a great Clausewitz. From the sacrifice of our soldiers and from my own unity with them unto death, will in any case spring up in the history of Germany, the seed of a radiant renaissance of the National Socialist movement and thus of the realization of a true community of nations. Many of the most courageous men and women have decided to unite their lives with mine until the very last. I have begged and finally ordered them not to do this, but to take part in the further battle of the Nation. I beg the heads of the Armies, the Navy and the Air Force to strengthen by all possible means the spirit of resistance of our soldiers in the National Socialist sense, with special reference to the fact that also I myself, as founder and creator of this movement, have preferred death to cowardly abdication or even capitulation. May it, at some future time, become part of the code of honor of the German officer - as is already the case in our Navy - that the surrender of a district or of a town is impossible, and that above all the leaders here must march ahead as shining examples, faithfully fulfilling their duty unto death. Part 2 of Hitlers Political Statement Before my death I expel the former Reichsmarschall Hermann Gà ¶ring from the party and deprive him of all rights which he may enjoy by virtue of the decree of June 29th, 1941; and also by virtue of my statement in the Reichstag on September 1st, 1939, I appoint in his place Grossadmiral Dà ¶nitz, President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. Before my death I expel the former Reichsfà ¼hrer-SS and Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler, from the party and from all offices of State. In his stead I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as Reichsfà ¼hrer-SS and Chief of the German Police, and Gauleiter Paul Giesler as Reich Minister of the Interior. Gà ¶ring and Himmler, quite apart from their disloyalty to my person, have done immeasurable harm to the country and the whole nation by secret negotiations with the enemy, which they have conducted without my knowledge and against my wishes, and by illegally attempting to seize power in the State for themselves. . . . Although a number of men, such as Martin Bormann, Dr. Goebbels, etc., together with their wives, have joined me of their own free will and did not wish to leave the capital of the Reich under any circumstances, but were willing to perish with me here, I must nevertheless ask them to obey my request, and in this case set the interests of the nation above their own feelings. By their work and loyalty as comrades they will be just as close to me after death, as I hope that my spirit will linger among them and always go with them. Let them be hard but never unjust, but above all let them never allow fear to influence their actions, and set the honor of the nation above everything in the world. Finally, let them be conscious of the fact that our task, that of continuing the building of a National Socialist State, represents the work of the coming centuries, which places every single person under an obligation always to serve the common interest and to subordinate his own advantage to this end. I demand of all Germans, all National Socialists, men, women and all the men of the Armed Forces, that they be faithful and obedient unto death to the new government and its President. Above all I charge the leaders of the nation and those under them to scrupulous observance of the laws of race and to merciless opposition to the universal poisoner of all peoples, International Jewry. Given in Berlin, this 29th day of April 1945, 4:00 A.M. Adolf Hitler [Witnesses]Dr. Joseph GoebbelsWilhelm BurgdorfMartin BormannHans Krebs * Translated in the Office of United States Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1946-1948, vol. VI, pg. 260-263.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Recommendation report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Recommendation report - Case Study Example The questionnaire had a series of five questions on the facility and the proposed centre. A notice was then posted on the organization’s notice board to elaborate on the scope of the research. This was followed by a request for voluntary participation in the research through registration and collection of questionnaires from the human resource management’s office. Eighty-one out of the Ninety-one employees participated in the research. The first question that sought to know the possible rate of application of the centre identified the employees’ desire to use the centre often with high preference for a daily application and 2-3 days per week application. A significant number of employees would also never use the centre. There were also more females than males for every category of response. Response to time of application of the centre identified men’s preference to use the centre before work and during lunchtime at a frequency of 10 and 11 respectively. Women were however specific on the preference to use the centre during lunch hour at a response frequency of 24 followed by six preferences for after work. Men unanimously preferred that the centre open during weekends with 24 individuals supporting weekend sessions while one person opposed the sessions. 12 women supported the weekend sessions while 24 opposed it. The following table summarizes data over expected participation in different activities. A majority of male respondents, eight, would prefer to consult with medical staff semi annually while six would prefer an annual consultation. A majority of women, 24, also preferred a semiannual consultation with medical personnel. The survey identifies a potentially higher level of the facility’s application by females than by males as observed in responses to questions one, two, four, and five. While a majority of men is interested in weights, women are majorly interested in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Concussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Concussion - Essay Example This can either cause a direct injury to the brain to produce swelling or formation of a hematoma (blood clot) that compress over different brain structures (Starkey, 2013). Concussion may or may not be associated with loss of consciousness. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, unsteady gait, photophobia, retrograde amnesia and disorientation of other neurological functions. There are four grading of concussion depending on signs and symptoms of the patient (Barry, Dillingham and McGuire, 2002). When the severity of damage to the brain tissue is more, patient presents with more deteriorating signs and symptoms and graded high on the grading scale. Management and rehabilitation plan also depends on the severity or grading and the frequency of head injury. As injury is internal, much focus is on rest during rehabilitation process for healing. Sport players are asked to abstain from contact activities to prevent any superimposed injury that can result in â€Å"second impact syndrome† (Barry, Dillingham and McGuire,